Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
The District 6170 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership and teamwork training program for youth (rising sophomores or juniors in high school ages of 16 and 17), from the geographic region of Rotary District 6170 (South and East Arkansas). This program helps youth develop character, increase leadership skills, and learn about Rotary.
RYLA is a 3 night, 4 day overnight camp, which occurs at the Vines Center (also known as the Arkansas 4-H Center) located 10 miles west of Little Rock, AR in the spring of each year.
Student participants (called RYLAtarians) are nominated for attendance at RYLA by local Rotary clubs, which cover all RYLA expenses for the student. For these young adults, this recognition offers the opportunity to build self-confidence, gain exposure to a variety of issues and people, meet active community leaders, and learn valuable information and career skills.
RYLA gives Rotarians the opportunity to mentor promising young leaders serving their own communities and beyond. Rotarians serve as resources for participants on the path to becoming professional and community leaders. In turn, RYLA brings new energy to the Rotary district, inspires ideas for youth service, and develops future Rotarians.